"bang on the money"

Without a doubt Uncharted 4 has to be among one of the most hyped titles in PlayStation history. Games like Witcher 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5, while fairly competent, were so over hyped they felt a little disappointing in the end.

Adventure games can often divide players. If you don’t enjoy the story, characters, levelling-up system and puzzles you might not appreciate the game. More immediate games like Mario and Grand Theft Auto will always find a broader audience.

In the past, similar games have had a reputation for being pretty inaccessible. The average guy on the street is never going to beat Tomb Raider or Resident Evil without a walkthrough guide. Which kind of defeats the object of an adventure game. It’s meant to be about discovery. An adventure.

Good news is that Naughty Dog has hit the nail on the head, striking the perfect balance between testing gameplay and ease of use.

It’s amazing that a studio that started out making bandicoot based platformers, now produces some of the most technically impressive games around.

Uncharted 4’s seamless transitions between gameplay and story scenes are everything you would expect from an eighth-generation console title. No other game pushes the PS4 so hard.

Whether Xbox owners will sell up and upgrade to PS4, is another thing, but for once the hype was actually bang on the money.

uncharted screen

uncharted picture

  rated b 

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